We've had 7 roosters come through our farmstead so far. And by that I mean they came and left. We are now interviewing for a new head Roo. We are planning to hire internally because each of them know how we operate.
Every animal here has a job. For roosters, they either do their job alive or they do their job dead and become a meal for our family. We don't have a specific number we are looking for; it all depends on the applicants. You must fit somewhere in the job description to stay alive. You don't have to have all of the qualifications but you definitely have to have atleast 1. Some are more crucial than other.
Rooster Job Description on RBG Ranch:
1. All roosters must have a protective instinct. The hens are of the utmost important to protect. This means you must follow them around and keep a good distance as to be sure you can observe all of your surroundings. You must protect them from predators including, but not limited to, coyotes, hawks, mountain lions, dogs and cats and fiesty goats. They do NOT need protection from people. (Please read number 2)
2. You must NEVER attack a person. It doesn't matter who the person is, do NOT attack. We have a guardian dog for that.
3. Friendliness to the ones that feed you will earn you extra points in the interview process. However, this is not necessary. If friendliness is not something that comes easy to you, that is okay. You are better off avoiding people at all cost rather than attack (see #2.).
4. Part of a rooster's job here is to make babies. You must be efficient at this process. Quick, to the point, and accurate. If you doddle or have trouble with balance or aim, you will adversely effect our hens. If our hens stop laying because you can't effectively breed, you are no use to us.
5. Since the hens here are your #1 priority, they must come before you. You must allow them to eat any scraps first before you jump in and join them. It is appropriate to help them hunt for the creepy crawly protein in the pastures and yards. Please be a gentleman.
6. If more than 1 rooster is hired you must share the role. This role can be shared effectively. You will both know which group of hens you will be "running" with and you will understand this is a team effort. Roosters who share the role in a flock will have squabbles. Make it short where no one gets hurt. If your squabbles effect the hens, you will be removed from your position promptly.
7. You must be pretty to look at.
Our top applicants are as follows:
Easter Egger
*Doesn't like to be pet
*A fast "doer" with no resistance from hens
*Good forager
*Isn't scared of dog
*isn't a fighter
-unfortunately tends to forage at the neighbor's
Rhode Island Red
*Will allow petting and eats out of human hands
*Isn't scared of dog
*Good forager (likes our pasture)
hasn't made any attempts with the hens
-doesn't seem scared of us. point deduction
-seems to be a bit of a bully with roos AND hens
Barred Rock/Wyandotte
*good forager (stays in the yard mostly)
*isn't scared of dog
*VERY thick. lots of meat
*will allow petting during feed times, but runs from humans any other time
*not a fighter
hasn't made any attempts with hens
-has an unusual relationship with our male guinea
Because the last 2 prospects are a good month younger than the 1st, we will wait to make a final decision. There are other applicants, but these were the best. We DO love the English bantam but he will have to be happy just being here. No head job for him, and the dinner table isn't a possibility either. We have 20+ hens and planning on more, so this guy will have a big job.
My fellow rooster lovers. What are your top qualifications for a roo?
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