Thursday, September 18, 2014

You're All My Favorites

"You're both my favorite." It's what my mom used to tell me and my brother. My Mimi would tell each of her kids "you are my favorite, but don't tell your brothers and sisters." This truth didn't come about until close to her Heaven move-in date. Isn't that BRILLIANT!

James 2: 1-13 talks about showing favoritism and how it's a no-no. I think they actually use the word "forbidden" in some texts. Okay, so I do love all my kids. One no more or less than the other. I mean, look at them! How could you not.

I know that James was telling us to stop condemning or giving a backseat to those who are poor, needy, and maybe low on the socioeconomic class. But that also means not condemning the rich and entitled. OUCH! Guilty.

BUT, this isn't about any of that.

What is my favorite animal on our homestead you ask? Ha! I definitely have a favorite, and a least favorite. I feed and care for ALL of them though, not to worry.

Here's the run through:
Birds: Probably close to the bottom. They smell. They lose a lot of feathers over the course of life. They are constantly under my feet when I walk outside expecting food and that drives me crazy. But they are so much fun to watch. Mr. Smash and I often do the voice-overs for these silly animals. Evening pecking orders, squabbles over kitchen scraps, and love triangles are more entertaining than you think. And OH, the chicks!

 The Lone Donkey: Shorty, well, he's an ass. He was skittish when we got him. Then he attacked another one of our animals. We whipped him. Then he hated us. He's coming around though. He eats grass, drinks from the pond, and will stay in the pasture in raging thunderstorms (STUBBORN).

Dogs: Every homestead needs a good outside dog. He isn't my favorite because of 1 reason. He gets on my nerves. He wants to be all over me all of the time.
But, he barks excessively at anything on 4 legs which is fabulous for predator control. And he will growl and snap at people who come to our porch. Does. His. Job.   Good boy.

Goats: Hilarious! Possibly the funniest animals here. The runner-up for my favorite and I didn't want them at first. Even told my friend Katie not to get them because they eat everything. And they do. Every plant I had. But I couldn't get mad at that sweet face. And the kids... that's another post! Thankful to Kelsey for talking us into it.

And the winner is.....
Cows: Big, sweet, babies! They'll do anything for feed and a rub down (for some reason Mr. Smash comes to mind). If you ever get a chance to snuggle and love on a cow DO IT! You won't ever forget it.

There. Question answered. What's your favorite?

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